DLL Suite

DLL Suite

A powerful tool that will help you fix all your .dll issues
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Latest version:
9.0.0 See all
1 / 15

DLL problems are some of the most frequent issues that a computer user has to deal with. Instead of going online, finding the missing or broken files and downloading them, you can save some time by using a tool like DLL Suite to help you out.

DLL Suite will scan your entire computer for DLL problems and offer to automatically fix all of them for you. Besides dealing with missing or corrupted DLL files, this program also has another very handy function. It can fix your system files and help you get rid of those nasty Blue Screens of Death.

Being a gamer, the most common problem I had was caused by error messages from games, which stated that they couldn't find a particular DLL file that they require. This is why I really enjoyed seeing that this application comes with an entire list of frequently missing game related DLLs that you can easily download.

Like many other fixers or optimizers, in the trial version, DLL Suite will only show you the problems that it encounters, without actually doing anything about it. This means that you will need to take a leap of faith and buy it, to actually see any results. However, the good news is that this application has a refunding policy which you can use for 90 days.

Another plus about DLL Suite is its "DLLpedia" section. This is where you will be able to get complete information about any DLL file you encounter. Of course you could have done this using Google, but it still is a detail that shouldn't go unappreciated. more

SO Senior editor
Sean O'reilly
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Embeds a "DLLpedia" where you will get detailed information about any .DLL file
  • Generates HTML reports with the results of the scans,
  • Keeps a history with each error it fixes
  • Offers a preset list of .DLL files that games generally need, thus allowing you to quickly download the one you need


  • You can't stop or pause any other scanning process except the one in the main window

Comments (2)

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rating Rumina
DLL SUITE program perfectly copes with its tasks. Never had a problem with her. Thanks to the developer for solving my problems.

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DLL SUITE is the worst soft ever, and worst service ever! Wanted my money (ref: money back guarantee) and never got my money back...dll suite removes many shared dll files from computer ..esp. dll`s from Microsoft office, power point , xls. etc. And your program wont work anymore! Also dll suite messed wit shared dos files under cmd, and some progrs won't run anymore, also messed with start ups, etc. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS PROGRAM; IF YOU´LL WORK WITH YOUR COMP. GREETINGS FORM GERMANY.

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